Tuesday, January 31, 2017

Daily Horoscope January 31, 2017


Being with others is a particularly satisfying and pleasurable now. You seem more attractive to everyone than usual, and should if you can be spending time with your partner. This will very likely be an extra special day that can turn out to be extremely rewarding and most enjoyable. This is not the time for work but a day for undeniable pleasure. Enjoy yourself!


People around you keep giving out positive vibes which you find extremely helpful. This can be attributed to their friendliness and your openness in dealing with others. The ease with which you act so instinctively is also noticeable. Be grateful and give back the help you receive so that an atmosphere of mutual support develops, which is beneficial to everyone.


Try to move on from your existing problem solving strategies and search for new ways to approach problems that you don't find so frustrating. A far less conventional route can sometimes result in a much more satisfying outcome for all concerned. You will also find a new companion for the journey, who can help you with any difficulties you may encounter on the way.


You can't stop thinking about unattainable dreams. Do not take any risks which could result in you losing what you have already achieved. However, these thoughts pose the danger that they only stem from a feeling of dissatisfaction. Instead, discover the root of this dissatisfaction. Allow yourself more peace and do some soul searching. You will come to understand the root of your problem.


Approaching events will push to the limit during this somewhat testing period. Be confident and trust in your abilities. Don't let the opinions of others dissuade you from your convictions; instead use any confrontation to build up and solidify the arguments for your own position. You may well discover one or two opportunities for improvement.


You will be able to rejuvenate yourself by taking on board the positive signals you receive from your surroundings. You should begin projects now which involve your imagination. Your natural authority means that now, more than ever, you are able to be of help to others. You should, however, avoid behaving in a superior fashion and instead make your contribution in a way that enables everyone to be a winner.


Today brings a few problems with it. You will be confronted with situations which can only be conquered successfully if you change your perspective on things. Separate yourself from the old and established and look towards the new. Be careful when pointing the finger of blame – it is possible that you have also made mistakes. If you are open to new things then you will learn a little about yourself.


Owing to the unfavourable influence of the stars, you will be confronted today with situations which will easily stretch you to the max. Don't doubt your abilities. It is within your power to change these circumstances. If you are also faced with problems at work, try to make the best of it. Problems are ultimately placed before us so that we will learn from them. You can use these difficult times to improve your skills..


You can't really be relied upon today. Any spontaneous activity is not recommended at the moment and could turn out to have an adverse effect on your situation. Now you are more likely to forget agreements that you have made and may turn up late for your appointments. In particular your relationship with your partner could suffer due to this unreliability. You possibly feel and sense that you are attracted to other people outside of your relationship. Keep an eye on these feelings for a while and watch how they develop. Don't do anything rash!


Even if success comes naturally at work, you should still maintain your inner peace and down-to-earth approach. In this way you will keep up friendships made in the workplace. Allow your loved ones to feel your inner harmony. You know that old conflicts are not currently important and that they never actually were. Indulge yourself and your body with enough breaks so that your physical well-being continues for longer.


You could soon experience a critical situation. Above all try not to blow it out of proportion. If you react calmly and soberly to anything that appears unpleasant together with the feelings they can create, these disturbances will blow over without causing any real damage. Take care of your health.


A more dynamic cycle in your social life is about to begin due to a strengthening of friendships. For some reason you feel more animated and prone to taking the lead in asserting your loyalty and connectedness to those you care for. A newcomer on the scene who steals the limelight may be a trigger for this renewed vigor in your social arena. Romance becomes an end in itself as a new cycle begins for you. This marks a time when love, creativity, and self expression can satisfy a deep yearning to be appreciated and admired. Remember being wanted for who you are instead of what you can give is the ultimate compliment.

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